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  2. Fellowship Of Friends Discussion- Part 79

    The thoroughly insane “Elena” could not keep herself off the blog. Well we all know what that is like. She returns with an Ophelia fit of bad poetry.

    It should be interesting watching the reactions to her ever anticipated return to the stage.

  3. Fellowship Of Friends Discussion- Part 79

    Since her return into Ames’ open and welcoming arms Elena has posted 5 pages, that’s 1,504 words.

  4. What is Burton selling and who is he selling it to? Besides the idea, the in-cult myth, of consciousness which only occurs to people that feel like they do not have enough of it, people dissatisfied with their sense of reality, Burton sells 1) the illusion of exclusivity and 2) the illusion of “positive emotion.” Along with these commodities he also once sold 3) the end of economic security, 4) the end of California, 5) the end of the world and 6) the only possibility of survival. Naturally 3, 4, 5 and 6 are no longer credible merchandise. What Burton sells to his cult members is the belief that they are blessed, due to his cosmic connections, with the only attention from powers on high directed to people on earth. He tries to maintain this illusion of exclusive blessing by fostering a continuous atmosphere of celebration and elation among his gathering.

    For himself, he feels pretty good about his lot in life because he has managed to keep himself in income and willing partners purveying these emotional products for 40 years. Dressed like a gay pimp he attends near daily parties in ridiculously pompous attire smiling for all the world like he hasn’t a care in the universe and insists with the conviction of a madman that while the rest of world will suffer the fate of rabid dogs him and his will rise on golden clouds to live on the Sun sharing hydrogen apartments with famous geniuses from history (this is literally what he has claimed).

    Who in their right mind buys this ‘product’? No one in their right mind, of course. Burton attracts the borderline psychotics out of the society. He teaches them the superficial exhilaration of narcissism and instructs them in the elaborate hallucinogenic world of schizophrenia. The borderline followers then imagine they have been initiated into “esoteric reality” and saved from the “formatory” delusions of the ordinary doomed people of everyday life. So, if you are a misfit lunatic type struggling to find meaning in a world focused on the necessities of life and you encounter the haughty and pretentious affectations deliberately displayed at one of Burton’s introductory meetings you naturally conclude that you’ve found “your people” and of course you have. Once it is explained to you the uncompromising devastation to be suffered if you ever dare leave then you are likely willing to do anything you are told to keep a handle on your ticket to paradise.

    Eventually hippies in their twenties grow out of all this. Eventually hippies forced to become yuppies reaching their late 30’s and early 40’s, even 50’s, realize that being a crazy cult member for your entire life is not all that interesting and they leave. They leave when the in-your-face selfishness and greed of Burton, as he wanders around grinning from ear-to-ear (usually because some 20 year old Russian boy has just serviced him) dressed like a cracker-pimp from Arkansas while spouting a new teaching based on an interpretation of cave paintings of animal dung, becomes enough of a spectacle to penetrate and irritate even the tolerance of lunatics.


  5. Fellowship Of Friends Discussion- Part 79

    From Elena

    “It is not that I am not already very tired of this and the temptation to quit is ever so seductive…”

    You couldn’t shut up if your life depended on it.

  6. Fellowship Of Friends Discussion- Part 79

    Isn’t it sad that young guys got screwed by Burton? Screwed people are sad. Sad screwed blog people. Wait, didn’t they get the woody and stick it to Bob? Yes, that’s the story. Burton raped them by taking it up HIS backside. Not once per customer, not twice, but typically dozens of times. I guess these guys just couldn’t help getting all excited once Burton got them alone. And that’s Burton’s fault?

    Teacher: I’m going to repeatedly rape you because I’m a man number seven and you are just a gift from C influence, understand?

    Student: Yes master.

    Teacher: Hurry up and get a stiffy.

    Student: Yes master.

    Teacher: Now aim for the brownie!

    Student: Yes master.

    Something is not adding up here folks.

    Think back to when you were 21, could you ever fall for this? No. We are talking about guys that weren’t your run of the mill red blooded Americans. These were peculiar little pansies in the first place. No wonder they got screwed.

    Burton’s fault? He’s just a sociopathic sleeping machine with enough ruthless force of will to overwhelm the minds of weaklings and get them to do what he wants them to do. Sure weaklings are sad, helpless characters, but that’s life. Sure weaklings cry foul when they get put upon by overbearing sociopaths and end up doing things they don’t want to do, life is not fair. Especially to peculiar little pansy weaklings.

  7. (Quote from “nige”)

    Fellowship Of Friends Discussion- Part 79

    271. nige – August 23, 2009

    I don’t get this?!?!? Does Ames feel the need to ‘downplay’ the way other bloggers ‘put their word out’ (Elena and myself for two of them) and then put his vanity feature firmly on display and show how well he has followed his conscience and ‘navigated himself’ into, through and out of the FOF?…..Nigel.

    (end of quote)

    %%% %%% %%%

    Here are the circumstances surrounding this injustice, the injustice that this one vanity feature feels the qualification to judge these other vanity features: although Ames is crazy as well, his madness (his obvious inconsistency) reveals itself far more slowly over the stretch of time than do the inconsistencies (the obvious madness) of both Nigel and Elena. Ames’ mood swings have a far longer wavelength than do the mood swing-wavelengths of either Nigel or Elena, so Ames enjoys the illusion of “sanity” because his train of thought appears to stay more consistent within the awareness of reasonable memory than either of the erratic behaviors of Nigel or Elena.

    Vanity is vanity and vanity is insane, yet rapidly erratic vanity is far more noticeable and therefore more easily observed, criticized and judged. No one asleep in vanity can control themselves consistently, eventually the contradictions and erratic displays of pure self-admiration will come out, but when the periodic incidences of objectionable incoherent self-veneration are stretched out over a considerable period of time it is considered “normal.” Of course it is not really normal in an objective sense, from the point of view of genuine self-awareness in the presence of conscience conceit is a lapse into insanity, but these inevitable lapses under the mindset of vanity are typical and universal and are therefore mistaken for normal.

  8. Isn’t it lovely. A nice chorus of “we were screwed.” So many victims all happily getting along. “We were led into a false reality and now it is so great, so delightful, to be out of it back into the ordinary mentality of everyday life.”

    They’re all lying to themselves and to one another. The ordinary mentality of everyday life is just as deliriously false as the delirious mentality of Blowjob Bob’s schizophrenic happy hallucinations.

    It is a lie that there is no such thing as psychological sleep. It is a lie that any of these fine protestors all agreeing and getting along wonderfully in their righteous endeavor to punish Bob for his lies have “awakened” to anything resembling reality.

    The ex-students of Bob are every bit as asleep out here in the freedom of life as they were in the psychotic delusional atmosphere of the Fellowship of Friends. We are just as lost and ultimately just as unhappy and dissatisfied with our lives. The positive, enthusiastic types refuse to admit it yet buffer just as much if not more and the negative pessimistic types are just as gloomy.

    Leaving the Fellowship has only one benefit (besides the obvious economic bonus): one layer of someone else’s delusion is removed. The general delusion of life lies just as heavy over the sleeping soul. That is a fact that is likely true for every single protesting poster to the control twat’s anti-Blowjob Bob “discussion” blog.

  9. (Quote from “Whalerider’)

    Fellowship Of Friends Discussion, Part 80

    14. WhaleRider – August 24, 2009

    Thanks, FOFblogmoderator. I vote any banning be temporary, but a bit
    swifter. I believe people can change.

    Let there be no more personal attacks.

    (end of quote)

    %%% %%% %%%

    Yes indeed, by all means do ban others but keep poolips here. Keep
    the guy that used to bend over for Bob and let him lick his butt.
    You like that kind of thing don’t you Stevie? You like to keep the
    bend over poolips kind of human beings around. Your kind of people.

    “I believe people can change.”

    Look poolips here — the self-righteous worm — believes that guys
    that used to bend over on the command of Bob can change and become
    viable human beings!

    I don’t think so.

    Question: Why did you bend over and get the poolips?

    Whalerider: I was ordered to and couldn’t resist the desires of Bob.

    Question: Was Stevie the self-righteous control freak there too?

    Whalerider: No, but he really wanted to be.

    Steve the control freak and gay moderator and Whalerider the bend
    over Bob butt boy, what a fine discussion you scamps have going over

    Quoting whalerider from the Fellowship of Friends discussion blog:

    76. whalerider – May 3, 2008

    “Sure, Robert Burton gave the best blowjobs I have ever experienced
    to this day. But looking back on my experience twenty some years
    later I can say this, it was definitely not great sex. I have to
    admit, I am not gay, either. But all my buffers and excuses about
    how I might have benefited from my experiences being close to Robert
    dissolved after reading on this blog how depraved he has become.

    “At one point after he finished “rimming” me and then kissed me with
    his fecal coated lips, I felt disgusted, abused, and deeply ashamed.
    Although it was never spoken about among others living with him like
    myself, I could tell that I was not the only one servicing Robert. I
    left the FOF not too long afterward to be on my own, without the
    need to seek a new guru.

    “Yes, he paid me for my service with trips to Europe and LA to view
    great art, gifts like an antique book (which I sold) and a gold
    watch (which later fell apart), and at one point $1500 in cash (paid
    indirectly to me by another follower as a “gift from Robert”). In a
    sense I had to pay him, too, in teaching payments and hard labor to
    be a part of the FOF. In retrospect, this added insult to injury.”

    This is the kind of fine people you want to keep on a meaningful
    discussion list. Ban anyone that says differently.

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